- ‘Bioactives for the Brain: what’s the evidence and how can we use it?’ (2022) Vitafoods Asia (online)
'Carbohydrates, cognitive function and mood’
(2022) Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences
Carbohydrates Committee, Cognition Working Group, Washington, US.
‘Your brain on caffeine’ (2021) Eventbrite public
lecture (online).
‘Mediterranean diet effects on mood and
cognition: who, when and why?’ (2020) Mediterranean Diet: from evidence to
implementation workshop, World Congress on Oils and Fats, Sydney, Australia.
‘Biological effects of plants and botanicals in cognition
and wellbeing’ (2019) Pfizer/GSK
Cognition and Mental Health Well Being Roundtable, Phoenix,
Arizona, US.
‘Nutrients for mood and cognition: clinical trials and
errors’ (2019) Stress, Mental
Health and Lifestyle Behaviours: Synthesising the Evidence Symposium,
Melbourne, Australia.
‘What if changing what you eat could improve brain
function?’ (2019) Public
lecture as part of the Boroondara What If? Lecture series,
Melbourne Australia.
‘Nutrients and Neuroenhancement’ (2018) Food for the
brain: Understanding Nutrition and
Mental Health, Dietitians Association of Australia, Melbourne,
‘Nutrients to boost memory/cognition in regional
Australians’ (2018) 3rd annual
Functional Foods & Supplements Symposium, Toowoomba,
‘Vitamin effects on Brain and Behaviour’ (2018) 5th International Vitamin Conference,
Sydney, Australia.
‘Coffee and cocoa for cognition’ (2017) Nutrients for cardiometabolic health and
brain function, 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition,
Adelaide, Australia.
‘(Functional) food for thought: nutrition and
nutraceuticals for mood and cognition’ (2017) Nerd Nite public lecture,
Melbourne Australia.
‘Supply and demand in the ageing brain: Can a
'neuroeconomy' model explain glucose effects on neurocognition in
younger and older adults?’ (2017)
Food for Thought: Brain
Fuelling and Cognitive Function Symposium, Experimental Psychology
Society conference, Reading, UK.
‘Micronutrients, mood, mental function and
mechanisms’ (2017) Australian
Pharmacy Professional Conference,
Gold Coast, Australia.
‘Eat, drink and be merry? Using diet and dietary
supplements to improve mood and cognition’ (2017) Pint of Science
public lecture, Melbourne, Australia.
‘Curcumin for cognitive health’ (2017) Vitafoods
Europe, Geneva, Switzerland.
‘Bioactive nutrients for neurocognitive enhancement in
health and disease’ ’ (2016) Diet, Nutrition and Mental Health and
Wellbeing Nutrition Society/Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK
'Micronutrients, mood, mental function and mechanisms' (2016) Vitafoods Asia, Hong Kong
‘Dietary flavonoids as cognitive enhancers’ (2016)
Boosting Brain Function with Nutraceuticals Asia Pacific Society for Neurochemistry,
Kulua Lumpur, Malaysia
‘Bioactives for the brain’ (2016) Vitafoods Europe, Geneva,
‘Diet and cognitive function: what works and how do we
measure it?’ (2016) American
Society for Nutrition Optimising the Aging Brain through Nutrition
Symposium at Experimental Biology, San Diego, US
‘Dietary bioactives and neurocognitive function: the case
for curcumin’ (2016) Bioactives
and Neurodegenerative Diseases symposium at 251st American Chemical
Society National Meeting, San Diego, US
‘Curcumin and (cognitive) health’ (2015) Second annual Blackmores Institute
Symposium, Melbourne, Australia
‘A role for dietary polyphenols as cognitive
enhancers’ (2015) 18th Annual
Conference of Functional Food Center, Harvard Medical School,
Boston US
‘Nutraceutical interventions for cognitive functions
throughout life’ (2015) Diet
and Optimum Health Conference, Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon,
‘Magic bullets and poison arrows: the potential for
bioactive nutrients to treat neurocognitive decline’ (2014) International Society for Nutritional
Psychiatry Research, Melbourne]
‘Eat, drink and be merry? Effects of bioactive foods
and alcohol on mood and cognitive function’ (2013) Winehealth 2013, Sydney, Australia
‘Acute effects of different multi-vitamin/mineral
preparations with and without guaraná on mood, cognitive
performance and functional brain activation’ (2013) Diet and Optimum Health Conference,
Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon, US.
‘Natural products as cognitive enhancers’ (2013) Cognitive Enhancement & Brain Training
Conference, Max Planck Institute, Germany
‘A decade of research of herbs for the brain’ (2013) 8th International Conference on Herbal
Medicine, Melbourne
‘Neurocognitive and mood effect of nutrition and
nutraceuticals’ (2013) 114th
Abbott Nutrition Research Conference: Cognition and Nutrition,
Columbus, Ohio, US
‘Influence of Nutrition on Neurocognition &
Memory’ (2012) Center for
Nutrition, Learning, and Memory 2012 Fall colloquia, Champaign,
Illinois, US.
‘The neurocognitive effects of Ginkgo and Ginseng alone
and in combination’ (2012)
Whistler Mechanism-Based Natural Product Development Conference,
Whistler, Canada
‘Pro-cholinergic herbs for cognitive enhancement’
(2011) International Society for
Intelligence Research annual conference, Limassol, Cyprus
‘Functional and herbal substances: effects on cognitive
performance’ ILSI Symposium on
Nutrition and Cognition (2010) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
‘Exploring cognitive space: natural medicines and
cognition enhancement’ (2010) PANACEA
2010, Mumbai, India
‘Magic bullets and poison arrows: the role of natural
medicines in treating neurocognitive decline and
neurodegeneration’ (2009) FAPRONATURA
2009 Second International Symposia about Pharmacology of Natural
Products and BLACPMA, Varadero, Cuba
‘Natural products as cognitive enhancers: issues and
challenges’ (2009) International
conference on Evidence-based Complementary medicine Armidale,
NSW, Australia (2009)
‘Food for thought’ Melbourne
Food and Wine Festival Melbourne, Australia (2009, 2014, 2015)
‘Ginseng and human neurocognitive function’ (2008) Joint Annual Conference of the Canadian
Institute of Chinese Medicinal Research and the Ontario Ginseng
Innovation and Research Centre
‘Cognition enhancing herbs’ (2007) Congress on Nutri- &
Phytothérapie, Brussels, Belgium
‘From Glaxo to Paxo? Neurocognitive and mood effects of
natural products’ (2006) BPS
Psychobiology Section Annual Conference, UK
‘Biobehavioural effects of herbal extracts’ (2006) 54th Annual meeting of the Society for
Medicinal Plant Research, Helsinki, Finland